Easter Sunday dawned sunny and warm, with church bells clanging throughout the city. Since the location of the flea market was supposed to be very close to where we were staying, we (well... you know who) decided to give it a try, and if it wasn't there, then it was a beautiful morning for a walk anyway. The basic directions were to walk across Piazza del Duomo, through the Porta Uzeda arch, and straight ahead into the park, and we would see the flea market, if it was up and running on Easter Sunday. We walked through the arch and into the park...
.....no flea market. So, we decided that since we were out on this beautiful morning we would walk along the ring road that separates the city of Catania from the port. The road follows a long series or arches that support the railroad tracks, and allow passage to various port access points. These arches are called archi della Marina, literally arches of the Marina. Apparently until as recently as the 1950s the sea came right up to this area, before the Port of Catania was created.....
As we walked along the road, we glanced through the arches toward the port, and what did we see...? The flea market in full swing. We walked up and down the market, enjoying looking at Catania's antiques and schlock. Joe found a neat little collectible to buy, Chris fell in love with an antique gilded wooden cherub, but she wouldn't spring for the 60 euros for it.....
As with most things on this trip, the outing ended as a pleasant surprise after some initial disappointment.